Hello! This is my first post ever! I am so excited to be blogging! I have spent the last month or so looking at
everyone's wonderful blogs and decided I would give this a try! It seems like a wonderful outlet to share ideas and make new friends! :) So all of you "pro"
bloggers out there be patient with me, I am a newbie! I thought for a long time......what would I blog about, what do I have to share? And I decided that I have nothing to lose. I am a stay at home Mom of five children. I have been married seventeen years. When my husband and I were first married I worked in a Flower/Gift shop. I learned so much working there... how to arrange both fresh and dried flowers along with so many other skills. When we moved from our hometown I got a wonderful job at a Prim/Country shop in Iowa. From then on I was hooked! I loved working on displays, I loved helping people with their decorating
dilemmas and it was so fun to help people find that perfect gift for the special people in their lives.
I used to do a lot of painting back in the day (
Santas, snowmen, trees, signs etc.)...I was so fortunate at that time to live in the same town as my Dad who was/is a wonderful woodworker! I would say "Dad, do you think you can you cut this out for me"? And he would and I would paint it, we made a great team...my Mom painted as well so it was great family time!
When my husband and I started our family...I kind of fell off the creative wagon. Five kids later and I have yet to do too much creating. A little here and there but not nearly as much as I would like. I am hoping now that four of our five kids are in school that will begin to change. As all you
crafters know, no matter what we do... whether it be painting, sewing, etc. it makes us feel good, it is good for our minds, bodies and souls!
We have now lived in Nebraska for nearly 8 years and 4 of those years I worked evenings at a wonderful prim shop! In 4 years I gained a lot of experience in customer service...real customer service, I truly cared about the people I helped and I made lasting friendships with many of them! I loved working on displays of all kinds for all reasons and all of the seasons! I learned how to work with different styles...traditional, primitive, country,
Americana...and I loved them all! I have always enjoyed changing my house from season to season, not everyone in my family does this...so they sometimes think it is strange when I swipe everything clean because it is Fall, Christmas etc. But after so many years they just know that is what I do....some of them comment on how much work it must be to re-do for each season but they know how much I love it..so they enjoy seeing the "makeover" each time!
I guess this blog will be a "journey" for me and all of you are along for the ride! I hope that I can get the creative juices flowing again and I hope that I too have projects to share and ideas to give! I have set some fun goals for myself but have set no time limits...the last thing I need is pressure or stress! This is going to be a fun journey! When I was young my sister-in-law taught me to crochet. You all remember starting with that long long line that just went on forever but you were SO proud of it! Then you worked up to potholders! Anyway I told her thank you this Christmas for teaching me how to do that so many years ago...it is like riding a bike, I have not forgotten how to do it and I hope to make something for her to show my appreciation. I know even if it wasn't straight or perfect it would mean a lot....
hmmm maybe a scarf would be easy!? :) I also told her that one of my other goals was to learn how to make some of these wonderful primitive
stitcheries that I have seen! I just love them....and she assured me that I could do it! So that is another one of my "to dos"! Lots of personal goals but like I said, no pressure. I will get to them when I can. I am and have always been a night owl, so this is when I do my best work! Wish me luck!
Before I go I wanted to explain my blog name...."All Roads Lead Home". This is my most favorite saying, I have this saying on a sign in my living room. There is nothing more important to me than family. I came from a loving home...My Mom and Dad, two brothers and two sisters. My parents now have 15 grandchildren & two great grandchildren. We all remain very close, we all live in the Midwest, we get together whenever we can. At any of our houses everyone feels welcome, there is always a light on and we all know we are there for
each other night or day. This is the way my husband and I want our kids to feel. I just think that "All Roads Lead Home" is so true. No matter where you are in life....there is always a way home. And there is always people at the end of that road that love you. I have already met a lot of great gals from
Web shots and by following others blogs AND from ordering some absolutely wonderful items from some very talented and friendly gals! I looked forward to making more friends! Here's to a new year...may it be full of blessings for all of us. And may we all grow a little bit by challenging ourselves and stepping out of our comfort zones. Thanks for stopping by...come visit again!