Hello, I hope you are all doing well. Summer has begun & we are off & running! This last week has been a mission of crossing things off of our long “to-do” list. With the kiddos help we have managed to accomplish a lot! Always MORE to do though, one day at a time. Baseball practices have started, the kids are begging to go to the pool, but in my opinion it hasn’t been warm enough yet. We will get there!
Most of this past weekend was spent tending to our two youngest boys with a stomach bug. I feel so bad for them, they have been miserable. Hopefully it will pass quickly, I think we are already on the upswing so that is good!
I did manage to get outside today, get some fresh air & fill the crocks on our front porch. Last year was a red, white & blue theme. This year is salmon colored geraniums with a mix of blue, yellow & green. I can’t wait until the geraniums bloom, then they will be even more colorful! I always love to watch the crocks fill in & bloom BIG! Such a beautiful process.
Thought I would share some photos, I will share again when the geraniums make an appearance.

I wanted bright, cheerful & summery. I am happy with them! It adds so much warmth & welcome to the front of the house. I got a couple of colorful hanging baskets too, we have not had them for a few years, it seems to be a bit of a pain to take them down in the wind, bring them down out of a storm & watering them can be a chore, but they are so pretty I couldn’t resist this year!
We have also been grilling a lot lately. The weather has been wonderful for it. Always fun trying out new recipes. This weekend was Tangy Meatloaf Burgers & Roasted Pork Loin with a Watermelon Glaze. Hubby also smoked a 9lb Boston Butt for us to have pulled pork sandwiches this week. All turned out wonderful & yummy!
Here is the Tangy Meatloaf Burgers. With a little cube of either cheddar or mozzarella cheese tucked inside.

This is the Pork Loin with the Watermelon Glaze. We served it with sweet, juicy watermelon cubes & a macaroni salad.

And here is the Boston Butt pulled pork.

Click HERE to join my husband Geoff and I on our ‘Just Grillin’ Facebook page. We would love it if you gave our page a “like”! We share recipes, photos, tips, tricks & some of our favorite products too.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It seemed to go by way too fast, but then don’t they all?!
Until next time, take care.