Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I haven’t posted since my Birthday! Yikes…I didn’t realize that it had been so long! It has been busy around here. Plus I have been trying to get caught up on housework and trying to get better organized. We all know that those things fall by the wayside when we are on our computers too much right?
I thought it would be fun to take a trip down “Makeover Lane”. I don’t know about any of you, but I am getting the itch to do makeovers again. And I do most of those in my garage. Because I learned real quick that doing them in my kitchen makes for a VERY dusty kitchen. All of that sanding and finishing doesn’t go over too well in the house. And my kids don’t enjoy the smell of stain too much! So hurry up Spring so we can get out there and be creative again! I have an entire shelf in my garage full of goodies just waiting to be transformed!
So here we go, just recapping a few..well quite a few of the makeovers I have done over the past year. Enjoy!
My $5 Garage Sale Shelf Before~
My $10 Table From Goodwill~
My Cabinets From Michaels Using My %40 Off Coupons Before~
The Bench I Gave To My Neighbor And Then Asked For It Back :)….. Before~
Breadbox From Goodwill Before~
This breadbox houses a charging station for our Ipods and cell phones. It’s an oldie but a goodie makeover~
Recipe Box from Goodwill Before~
$20 Antique Store Table Before~
Basket I Have Had Forever Before~
Old Chairs From Goodwill Before~
Another Chair Before~
Tote Before~
Clock From Goodwill Before~
Wooden Bowl Before~
Whew……I never realized just how many makeovers I have done! This is not even HALF of them! It was fun for me to look back! I hope it was fun for all of you! I can’t wait to get out in the garage and get busy again! I am ready to have stain under my fingernails and paint on my clothes! :)
Have a wonderful day everybody! Until next time, take care. ~Sarah~