I started off my day with my husband and kids wishing me Happy Birthday! The cheesecake is already in the refrigerator just waiting for tonight! Yum! My nephew and his wife have offered to watch the kids so that my husband and I can go out for supper! Thanks Tyson and Mikaela! :)
Aren’t they the cutest newlywed couple you have ever seen!? :)
Today I am really taking a moment to reflect on my family and friends. Like I said it is overwhelming. I have the most incredible family anyone could ask for. We are all here for one another in good times and in the not so good times. To know that I have that support whenever I may need it is a great comfort. Thank you family. I appreciate and love you all more and more everyday!
Friends….old and new. They are a blessing. I will start with old friends. My best friend from high school, we are still in touch often, we still laugh about the same things! We can still finish each other’s sentences and we keep all of those “inside jokes” in our back pockets for whenever either one of us needs some cheering up! I recently had my 20th high school reunion. Re-connecting with those friends was so fun! It was like we stepped back in time! Most of us have now found each other on Facebook and it’s been great seeing everyone’s children, where they live, what they are doing etc.
So if you can’t tell…I feel blessed. Did I mention that I feel blessed? Haha! But the emails, texts and cards keep coming. I am just overwhelmed and overjoyed today. And I can’t help it!
Oh by the way…. I am 39 today! :)
Thank you all for taking the time to stop by my blog and leave such sweet comments! I appreciate each and every one of you!
Have a wonderful day! Until next time. Take care. ~Sarah~